Cool New iPhone App For Technicians
Are you always looking for the latest technology? Do you need the latest an greatest features for your auto shop? Are your Tire Changers wheel balancer or battery charger the most current models with all the bells and whistles? If so, this story might interest you. Technicians have a handy new app for their iPhone or iPad touch mobile devices to turn to from Bosch. Bosch calls it their Light ‘Em Up Dyno app. It allows the technician to use these devices as a portable dynamometer. It can measure acceleration, horsepower and G Force. Once it is downloaded and installed , you can quickly set it up for use. You don’t need to be connected to the Internet to use it either. So it is capable of working anywhere, anytime. Then just enter some basic vehicle information, and you’re ready for use. There are two packages available – The basic app is available at no charge. Then there’s an upgraded version available for a fee of $4.99. These fee can be avoided by getting a rebate after purchasing a set of Bosch spark plugs. visit for a link to the very handy app.