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Sale On ESCO Cyclone Tubeless Tire Bead Seater

After you have finished changing a tire on your Tire Machine, you sometimes may find that the jet blast system on the tire changer cannot seat the bead of the tire on the rim. There’s just not enough air.
That’s where the ESCO Cyclone tubeless tire bead seater comes in. It supplements the existing jet blast delivery system on your tire changer.
It’s a common complaint among wheel service technicians when it comes to particularly large wheels. The jet blast just doesn’t supply enough air for the tire to inflate rapidly enough to seat the bead.
When this occurs, you need a supplemental air tank that has an effective jet blast delivery system that will shoot a large and rapid blast of air into those hard to inflate tires. The ESCO Cyclone tire bead seater is the perfect addition to any tire shop. It is balanced perfectly, lightweight and easy to handle. It has a 5 gallon ASME tank and a gauge that’s easy to read. It’s nozzle is designed perfectly to deliver the maximum amount of air, where you want it, when you need it. The specially designed butterfly valve opens up faster than a traditional ball valve.
Now there’s no tire that’s too tough for your shop.

Cyclone Tire Bead Seater

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