Chevy Volt is MotorTrend 2011 Car Of The Year.
One of the judges on the panel said, “This is a fully developed vehicle with seamlessly integrated systems and software, a car that provides a unique driving experience. And commuters may never need to buy gas!”
Motor Trend has been awarding this prize for 61 years. This is one of the most notable winners due to it’s electric system and all of the recent controversy over the auto industry bailout. This vehicle carves a bold new path for GM, who hopes to forge a new image with this car.
The Volt is not completely electric. It’s a hybrid. The internal combustion engine will kick in as needed, but depending on the type of driving you’re doing, it may not need to kick on at all.
Maintenance will be different than the typical gas engine car. You could expect less maintenance required in certain aspects, regarding the combustion engine, and more in other areas, such as the electric power drive system. So the time your car spends on the Automotive Lift may be the same, but spent doing different tasks.
The trend of hybrid automobiles is sure to continue.