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Automotive Lift Inspection Recommendations

Auto shop owners and individuals who own an Automotive Lift should inspect their lifts on a regular basis. There are monthly maintenance checks as well as daily safety checks you should inspect for each day.
Most reputable car lift manufacturers include an owner’s manual which should outline a recommended checklist of routine inspection points.
The Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) also issues literature with every ALI Certified lift which advises proper safety procedures, inspection and maintenance for all the various types of lifts.
Daily inspection checklists should include, but are not limited to the following –
Cracking of the concrete floor around the base of the columns.
Look for mounting anchors pulling up at the base of the columns.
Look for wear at any part of the lift, paying particular attention the moving parts, (ie: cables, pulleys etc..).
Ensure that all locks and safeties are functioning properly.
Confirm that arms, runways, posts are not sagging or deformed in any way.
Inspect hydraulic cylinders for any leaking hydraulic oil.
Make sure all electronic components are functioning as necessary.
Listen for any tell-tall noises that might indicate the potential for trouble.
Watch for stuttering, or uneven lifting.
Watch for signs of wear near moving components, such as metal shavings or dust.
If any of these concerns are present, contact a qualified professional to inspect your lift further. You might be tempted to troubleshoot and diagnose the problem yourself, but take our advise and seek a professional technician who knows what he’s doing. Safety is too important.

Automotive Lift Inspection

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